Sunday, June 26, 2011

Passion {Inspiration}

Last night I got to hang out with one of my best friends from high school. It was great being able to catch up and enjoy a summer night. While most of my college friends are off in NY, DC, the Twin Cities, or traveling the U.S. for the summer, I am in good ol' Tea. There are days I become frustrated with the fact that I am still in Tea for the summer, but then I remember why it is I am still at home. This past spring, when deciding what I wanted to do for a summer job, I was torn between taking a camp counseling job or staying in the Sioux Falls area. I ended up deciding to stay in the Sioux Falls area for many reasons, but one in particular was the fact I wanted to continue exploring and learning about photography. 

Photography has become very important to me this past year. It has become an outlet, a way to express myself and learn more about who I am. But more importantly, it has become more about capturing the pure, natural, and real moments that life presents. It is capturing those candid shots, where people are most themselves. I look forward to ALL that is ahead and all the opportunities that are yet to come. I honestly believe that photography can change the world, it can help remind us of the simplicity and all the good that is left in the world.

Thanks, Jayne, for a fun night and reminding me why it is I LOVE photography!!!

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